Victorious school hockey teams felicitated

Hockey teams of Birsa Munda School, Rourkela were today accorded a warm welcome on their return home after winning both the boys` and girls` titles in the 5th National Inter-School Sports Meet, which was conducted by Sports Authority of India (SAI) at Rajnandgaon in Chhattisgarh earlier this week.

The credit of the achievement also went to city-based Panposh Sports Hostel (PSH) as all players belonged to the state government-run hostel. According to PSH coach-in-charge K C Choudhary, the boy’s team led by skipper Arun Minz thrashed Chhattisgarh 3-1 in the final. Enroute to the final, the BMS boys posted wins over Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Bengal, Jharkhand and drew with Chhattisgarh.

The girls` side with Surabhi Pradhan as captain, mauled Goa, UP, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Maharastra to reach the final, where they trounced Chhattisgarh 8-0. Birsa Munda School teams qualified for the National meet after emerging champions in the state level competition. The boys` and girls` teams were accompanied to Rajnandgaon by PSH coaches Bijay Kumar Lakra and Amulyananda Bihari respectively.

BOYS TEAM: Ranjan Ekka, Saroj Ekka, Sunil Ekka, Phulkar Barla, Silvanus Barla, Alok Barla, Kunjan Toppo, Suraj Kerketta, Suman Kerketta, Sudeep Kerketta, Suman Schin Kindo, Nitin Bikash Majhi, Sumit Toppo, Deepak Lugun, Arun Minz.

GIRLS TEAM: Ester Xess, Jira Ekka, Ambika Toppo, Sanju Ekka, Namita Toppo, Pritimala Dungdung, Birajini Ekka, Seema Lakra, Surabhi Pradhan, Reshma Lakra, Neel Phajita Majhi, Swayangsiddha Sahu, Sasmita Barla, Sushanti Kerketta, Naveena Tirkey.
